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Do scientists go to heaven?

Sci Fight Science Comedy Debate is a quarterly event that brings together comedians and scientists to debate important topics in a very silly way.

Produced and hosted by comedian and science communicator Alanta Colley, Sci Fight recently emerged from quarantine for its first show in a year with the topic "Scientists Go To Heaven."

I had the pleasure of arguing for the negative alongside science communicator Owen Collins and comedian Scout Boxall against writer Elizabeth Flux, comedian Sam Petersen, and scientist Dr Jess Nithianantharajah. (Jess is currently teaching mice to use iPads to improve the treatment of cognitive disorders!)

The arguments were less than scientific (mine centred mostly around my love of compost) but more than enough to entertain a Brunswick audience on a cold Wednesday night.

You can listen to a podcast of the event here. (WARNING: There is occasional coarse language, poorly constructed logic, and references to Richard Dawkins)



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