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How To Win Monopoly In Just Four Turns

I don’t know why anyone would want to play monopoly let alone dedicate the time to learning how to play well enough to win. Monopoly is a dull, mean-spirited game that tears apart families and ruins lives. That said, if you’re going to play, you may as well win.

A good starting tip is to acquire the orange properties as soon as you can. They’re cheap to build houses on and their position on the board next to jail means people are more likely to land on them than other properties.

Once you’ve filled orange with houses, try and fill as many of your other properties with houses too. This creates a shortage of houses and forces the other players to bid on them at auction. (This is an actual rule and a great way to get people to overpay for the houses.) Don’t buy hotels.

Uses these properties to build up a buffer of cash. Mortgage your unhoused properties if you have to.

Then simply hold out while everyone else goes broke.

However, if you want to win in just four turns, you’ll need a lot of luck. Here is the solution according to Daniel J. Myers, a professor of sociology at Notre Dame University:

Player 1, Turn 1:

Roll: 6-6, Lands on Electric Company Action: None, Doubles therefore roll again

Roll: 6-6, Lands on Illinois Avenue Action: None, Doubles therefore roll again

Roll: 4-5, Lands on Community Chest “Bank error in your favor, Collect $200” Action: Collects $200 (now has $1700)

Player 2, Turn 1:

Roll: 2-2, Lands on Income Tax Action: Pay $200 (now has $1300), Doubles therefore rolls again

Roll: 5-6, Lands on Pennsylvania Rail Road Action: None

Player 1, Turn 2:

Roll: 2-2, Lands on Park Place Action: Purchase ($350, now has $1350), Doubles therefore rolls again

Roll: 1-1, Lands on: Boardwalk Action: Purchase ($400, now has $950), Doubles therefore rolls again

Roll: 3-1, Lands on Baltic Avenue Action: Collect $200 for passing GO (now has $1150), Purchase 3 houses for Boardwalk, 2 for Park Place ($1000, now has $150)

Player 2, Turn 2:

Roll: 3-4, Lands on Chance, “Advance to Boardwalk” Action: Advance to Boardwalk, Rent is $1400, only has $1300 = Bankrupt

Here is the game played out in 21 seconds in this video from NPR

According to statisticians, the chances of these rolls and card draws occurring by chance is one in 253,899,891,671,040.

So it might be better to play the long game and work on those orange properties.

Or just play boggle instead.

Boggle is much better.

Nicholas J. Johnson is a Melbourne magician, author, and hater of monopoly.



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