“Once again you provided a fantastic show for us. To keep over a hundred boys on the edge of their seats for an hour is an amazing achievement.”
-Scotch College, Melbourne
44% of teenagers reckon they don’t have the critical thinking skills required to tell fake news from real news.
That means, I could have made that statistic up and almost half of your students wouldn’t know how to call me out.*
The Bad Science Show is a sixty minute incursion that encourages students to think critically about who they can believe and what science they can trust.
I demonstrate the placebo effect by hammering a five-inch nail into my head. (Really.)
I explore causation and correlation by walking on broken glass with bare feet. (Not even kidding.)
I show why you can’t trust anecdotal evidence by bending a spoon with the power of my mind. (Maybe that one is a little fake.)
*In case you're wondering, I didn’t make up that statistic. Here’s the source.

Years: 7-10
Length: 60 minutes plus Q&A
Technical Requirements: Data projector with HDMI input, table and chair.
Price: $880 inc GST per show for up to 100 students. Additional students are charged at $8.80 inc GST.
Curriculum Links:
General Capabilities
Critical and Creative Thinking
Science As Human Endeavour
Yr 7 – ACSHE119
Yr 8 – ACSHE134
Yr 9 – ACSHE160
Yr 10 – ACSHE162
Science Inquiry Skills
Yr 7 – ACSIS124
Yr 8 – ACSIS139
Yr 9 – ACSIS164
Yr 10 – ACSIS164